Sunday, August 12, 2007

little pussy care

Feeding a newborn orphaned little pussyis a challenge but can be fun and rewarding. We first need to determine how old they are before we try to start feeding them. Kittens eyes generally open between days 7 through 14. If the eyes are still closed the little pussy are quite young and you have a lot of work ahead of you. Fortunately it is very rewarding work to see these little pussy grow and thrive.

If you are committed to helping the newborn little pussy and become their surrogate mother, then you will need to provide a safe, warm home for them. You can use a box or small crate with plenty of dry, clean bedding. Make sure you change the bedding frequently so it doesn’t get too soiled. Place the new “den” in a warm, quite place free from drafts, but careful not to overheat them either. Don’t put them next to a heating or air conditioning vent. Heating pads under a box can be helpful. The little pussy should be in an environment that approaches 92 degrees; monitor the air temperature around the kittens frequently. Once they become two weeks old they will be better equipped to generate their own body heat and their surrounding air temperature becomes less critical.

For very young little pussy you will need to acquire little pussy milk replacer and some feeding devices. There are puppy milk replacers, too. Many veterinarians will use an ordinary eye dropper or small syringe to utilize as a means of dispensing the KMR to the little pussy. Most pet stores or veterinary clinics have nursing bottles, too, but be alert to the fact that some little pussy cannot suck the contents through the small nipple. You may need to actually squeeze the milk out for the little pussy while having the nipple in the pussy's mouth. Warm it up a little, too, under the hot water faucet! If it is after hours at your local animal hospital, your short-term solution will be to mix an egg yolk with a can of evaporated milk (make sure it is not the sweetened condensed milk). You will need to feed every couple of hours at first and gradually build up time between feedings as they begin to eat more at each meal. Start by offering a small amount. If the little pussy won’t eat readily from the nipple and bottle, try an eyedropper or syringe and drip a little in the mouth, adding more as the little pussy's pace.

When the orphaned little pussy reach about 3 weeks of age you can start providing watered down meat-based little pussy food for them to nibble on. Science Diet canned little pussyfood is a good one. Make sure you keep a fresh supply and not too much at one time. Once they start eating it as it comes from the can you can leave out dry kibble for them to munch on, too.

Some things to monitor over the course of the next few weeks are appetite, activity level and growth. You will need to call the veterinarian if a kitten won’t eat, or stops eating. Bathroom habits should be predictable and you will want to talk to your veterinarian if urinating or defecating changes, or if the little pussy’s attitude or activity level also changes. By six weeks of age puppies and little pussy should be well on their way to eating, drinking and exploring on their own and be quite the entertainment focus. Have your veterinarian check them over and start them on their vaccinations.

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